Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Have you ever stopped to think about the power of a single letter?
[00:00:05] The way handwriting connects us to history, the artistry behind calligraphy, or the simple joy of putting pen to paper? I'm Laura Edralin, a calligrapher with a deep love for letters, and this is the Life of Letters, a podcast that explores the history, craft and culture of handwriting and lettering.
[00:00:25] This is for people who love the scratch of a nib on paper, who collect notebooks that they're too afraid to use, and who wonder what our writing says about us, past, present and future. In this first series, I'm so excited to be speaking to Rue Al-Alam, an Arabic calligrapher who creates traditional scripts with digital art Tracey Trussell, a graphologist who analyzes handwriting to better understand a person's character and behavior Sylvia Wong, a calligrapher whose Just Married jacket idea went viral and is now a global wedding trend Lucy Gibbon, an archivist who is bringing paleographers together to decipher 16th century documents. Dan Foster, a lettering artist who is bringing a legacy of traditional hand lettering to brands worldwide and finally, Suzy Leeper, a painter and calligrapher who blends abstract techniques, Chinese calligraphy, and the discipline of master scribes. So whether you're a calligraphy enthusiast, a history lover, or perhaps just curious about the stories behind the letters that we write, join me on the Life of Letters.
[00:01:36] Subscribe now and let's rediscover the magic of the written word together.